It’s the Walk, Not the Talk


Invite them to church,

They don’t really care.

You go to your “social club”

They’ll go to theirs.


Give them a Bible,

They won’t read it.

Set an example,

They’re going to see it.


Listen to your words,

Make sure they align.

If your life doesn’t show it,

They’re going to know it.


Copyright © 2013 LeRoy Dean All Rights Reserved

Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, devotions, encouragement, faith, hope, inspiration, Life, Poetry, Religion, Spirituality, thoughts | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “It’s the Walk, Not the Talk

  1. pattisj

    This is right on, Butch.


  2. Frank Beaty

    How true!


  3. Pingback: THE W A L K. « projectsbyMtetar

  4. They will know we are the Lord’s disciples by our love…by the love we show and give…by the love we feel for people that compels us to serve and honor and help. They will know by our love for God that makes us different…as we allow Him into the inner chambers of our heart and the recesses of our mind…they will SEE Jesus in us as we allow Him to transform and restore us. Faith without actions is dead. Deeds and faith without love are empty. Come, Lord Jesus! Fill us with your love. Increase our faith. Move us forward in you, so that others will see in our walk the way to you!


  5. So true! So hard to teach to teens! So hard for me to learn!


  6. Interesting piece!
    It’s the walk, not the talk.
    If your life doesn’t show it,
    they’ll know it.
    So much to ponder upon.
    Welldone! 🙂


  7. rimassolosailingaroundtheworldm

    All ways a good to discover a new blogs thank you so much


  8. Lead by example, everyone is watching. Especially the children.
    Blessings ~ Maxi


  9. Reblogged this on Walking On Water Ministries and commented:


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