Never Doubt!


A small boy of no account, typical of the area and time, made a difference. All the men were at war with a neighboring tribe. The feuding had been going on for some time with no let up in sight. These were the troubles of the times.

Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground. (1 Samuel 17:49 NIV)

Never doubt! Never look at the circumstances. There is a “David” in all of us.


Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, faith, hope, Life, Reflections, Religion, Spirituality | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Never Doubt!

  1. Reblogged this on Where Living Begins.


  2. What an excellent way to face our giants. What a powerful, powerful, pithy truth.You’re as powerful in 94 words as I strive to be in 750.


  3. Thanks Butch – definitely what we need to remember! Bless you


  4. pattisj

    Never underestimate the size of our God.


  5. I love where you came from as you entered this familiar story! Wow! Bless the Lord for the gift he has given you.

    Be encouraged. Be inspired. Be who He created you to be.


    PS…you are such a good big brother to us in Christ and light for the others to see. Thank you.


  6. Pingback: Just Stand | Did Jesus have a Facebook Page?

  7. Amen!
    We all face our Giants
    God Bless


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