It’s Okay


It’s okay, my friend from long ago,

Not to be as close as we were then.

Our different paths have taken us

To where we are today.


It’s okay, my friend from long ago,

To disagree more than we did before.

Life’s experiences give us the views

That we believe today.


It’s okay, my friend from long ago,

To walk together as we did then.

Our different thoughts won’t separate

The friends we’ve always been.


It’s okay, my friend from long ago,

To stop and visit now and then.

This place, this stone that marks my rest,

For friends will always remember when.


Copyright © 2012 LeRoy Dean All Rights Reserved


Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, faith, family, friends, hometown, inspiration, Life, memories, Poetry, Reflections, Spirituality, thoughts | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “It’s Okay

  1. Really love this poem. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Reblogged this on purpleborough and commented:
    The poem did not come up. Goes with a memory I shared earlier.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It was the day an old friend died.


  4. I reblogged this poem on Facebook. I gave you credit, of course.


  5. I couldn’t help but think of a couple of people while reading this. Thanks for the memories.


  6. Loved the poem’s sentiments.


  7. Such a nice poem Butch! It brought up memories of my best friend from long ago! We haven’t talked in a long time. I’m calling him today! God Bless!


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