The Irony of Fireworks


I appreciate freedom. I can’t imagine living in a country where there is no freedom. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have fighting in the streets and bombs going off every day. I can’t imagine all of this.

I find it ironic that we in America celebrate freedom by setting off explosives in the streets on the 4th of July. It is said to be a way to celebrate, yet, for many, it is an excuse to play with explosives. I wonder if those who live everyday with war in their streets would pick fireworks to celebrate freedom. Somehow, I don’t think so.


It’s July 5th…the house is still standing and the coffee tastes good.

Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, Creative Writing, family, friends, hometown, Life, Reflections, thoughts | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “The Irony of Fireworks

  1. I think further of how many of them are illegal yet are purchased across state lines and did read today that much of Colorado banned them for being set off at all. hmmmm


  2. Yep. My house is still standing even though the folks next door set fire to their yard and on the creek bank!


  3. Ahh, but that’s the beauty of it. One of the things that struck me a few years ago in Baghdad’s Green Zone was that Iconstantly heard small arms fire. Most of us in America are blessed with the absence of that sound – to the point of not knowing a firecracker from a backfire to a gunshot – so it is celebratory!

    But then I celebrate Independence Day by watching the musical 1776 with my kids.


  4. Freedom=Bombs=Celebration=huh? 🙂


  5. pattisj

    I often think of the jet noise as they practice at the Naval Air Station. So glad they are friendly, I could not imagine living in a war zone and hearing them day after day.


  6. I had a similar thought last night, about the excuse to play with explosives. I guess the fact that the noise terrorizes my dog makes me wonder about it all.


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