Mowing in the Snow

I grew up in the Midwest and remember that mowing the yard usually ended by mid October, and that would be stretching it. Since I returned to my Midwest roots after many years, I notice that some have a fixation on leaves in their yard…out come the blowers, the mowers, the anti-leaf campaign. Two of my neighbors are blowing and mowing their yard as I write…it’s December 2cnd. Makes me wonder if they will have the snow shovels out next…to clear the snow off the yard so they can continue their war on leaves.

I believe God made all of creation to work in harmony with itself. Leaves fall to the ground and through the winter, decompose and return to the soil, as God intended. One thing for sure, the leaves in our yard will fulfill their God-given purpose. That is, unless God causes a mighty wind and all the leaves in our yard blow over to the neighbor’s leafless yard…maybe God does have a sense of humor.

“God, would it be wrong to chuckle if You did that. I mean, just a small snicker…a teeny snicker…”

Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, encouragement, family, friends, hometown, Life, memories, Reflections, thoughts | 12 Comments

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12 thoughts on “Mowing in the Snow

  1. I don’t have time to rake up all of those leaves and besides, I agree with you. I believe that those leaves serve a purpose. They blanket the grass and keep it safe and warm from the cold. It’s nature’s cloak. I’m not going to remove them. 😉


  2. Love it. Here we need to mow every two weeks at present. Otherwise small children get lost.


  3. My yard is the only one in my neighborhood with leaves. No one likes this, however it is my property so I just smile and say that I like the rustle of walking through my leaves!


  4. Haha That is funny. I love seeing God’s humor. We raked some leaves the other day and now have to rake again. The tree still had tons of leaves on it. I thought it was not so smart to be raking them just yet. We put them it our garden so they can enrich its soil for our crops next year.


  5. Butch, my wife would get a chuckle out of this. Despite the fact we live in Ga, I truly believe it should be against the law to crank the lawnmower after Oct 1 … nonetheless one of my neighbors was cutting his grass yesterday … Dec 2. Enjoyed the post … it put a smile on my face and a chuckle in my heart. Thanks!


  6. Butch, how did you get the snow?


  7. So funny….I feel the same way. We used to live in OH where mowing and raking ended in October. Here in Virginia, my husband was just out there on Sunday mowing and mulching the leaves. He went over the front lawn twice for good measure. I told him I thought that was pretty pointless, since the leaves from our neighbor’s yard would proabably be blowing back over to ours. Leaves never bothered me. I love fall and I love the leaves that come with it. God bless!!! And thanks for the chuckle.


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