Thoughts on a Wintry Morning


On this wintry morning, I sit at the writer’s desk with a “cup of joe” and think about all the desperate, discouraged and hungry souls waking up without the comfort that surrounds me this morning.

I am not wealthy nor have I extras. Each day I am thankful for the food, shelter and clothing that God provides. There’s things I would like, but I ask for nothing more.

Can’t help wondering what I could do for so many people if I had a lot of money. I don’t want fame or notice, Lord, just money to help others.

To have the desire to help and not the money, there must be another way. As I pour that second cup, I begin to pray about ways to help without money.

I think about my blogging friends and wonder what they think about over a “cup of joe.” Maybe, it’s a spring or summer morning where they are. What are their thoughts, their plans, their doubts and concerns.

My thoughts will follow me through the day as I read their thoughts and as I write about faith, hope, love and the human condition. With each step and each thought, I pray my direction will be clearer. Time for another cup.


Categories: Bible, Christian, Christianity, Creative Writing, faith, family, Freelance, friends, hometown, hope, inspiration, Journal, Life, Muses, Reflections, Spirituality, thoughts, Writer | 17 Comments

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17 thoughts on “Thoughts on a Wintry Morning

  1. You are a good man, LeRoy.


  2. coffee and devotions with God…and I ask him what would he have me do to make some ones life better…I ask him to use me.


  3. Each morning as I have my cup of coffee to help me come fully awake, I thank God for the day and my blessings. I read my devotional and the bible. And, I ask God to guide me each day, to move me to take each step on the path He has planned for me. I often ask who he wants me to help, and how.
    You know, sometimes we forget that our writings help others.


  4. With much prayer, God will give us direction in how we can help those in need. Whether its with our time and talents, the little extra we spend on ourselves for those indulgences that are not needs but wants as well as clothing and such that we know are worth giving to someone who needs them more than we do. It’s always easy to give up the things we don’t want anymore, but it takes selflessness to just give up clothing and such that we are currently wearing. I say that because house fires, tornadoes and natural disasters can happen so quickly. Then what? I personally try to put myself in their shoes. Not much thought to it, my family took of what we currently have in clothing and shoes and such and gave to tornado victims locally along with food.

    Every little bit helps. Forming a community outreach with your local church or Red Cross and various organizations can be a platform to start somewhere. This is just an idea that I hope helps. We never know what knocks on our hearts if we don’t diligently pray and look for opportunities. As for myself, who’d think that waking up to a local channel about volunteering for families struggling needing food would grab my heartstrings when I RARELY watch tv in general. Prior to that, I had been praying that I could get into something to help the community and not just the comfort zone of my church. God answers prayers when you least expect it. 🙂

    God bless you LeRoy for sharing this. This was food for thought and a heartwarming fullness to my soul. Thank you.


  5. I have similar thoughts, LeRoy. I’d love to help others, but have little money. And with two littles running circles around me, I have little time – and little brain power. But the desire is there, so what would the Lord have us do? Praying about this…

    Thanks for the post!


  6. Thinking many of those same things. May He bring you even more so you can further impact for His Kingdom.


  7. You are helping people with the words that you write everyday. Blessings to you.


  8. I have similar thoughts as I do my morning round of reading. I am in the process of redesigning my life, and one of my goals is to help others do the same thing, with their particular blend of talents and goals. For me it is not about using money to help others. It is about using the talent and drive that I believe is often buried in the routine of life, the urgent over the important. I am recognizing this in my own life, and want to put it to good use. But regardless of the mechanics of the process, whether using money or words, or whatever, the desire to step out of ourselves and to give is healthy. And I believe giving to others feeds the giver, in so many positive, wonderful, and unexpected ways. Thank you for sharing your thoughts this morning! ~ Sheila


  9. Right there with you Mr. Dean!


  10. Susan Michaels

    Butch, your heart for others shines through and through…God bless all the works of your hands, and thanking Him for your writing which encourages and uplifts.


  11. Leroy,as I read your post today, I was filled with joy and peace that you are going to find a plentiful supply of ways to help others, today and tomorrow. I know that you have helped me just now by your simplicity and honesty in confessing your search for ways to help others without money. Just the name of your blog in my email saying you have posted again helps me, because it reminds me of the great value of keeping on keeping on! Bless you, dear Butch!


  12. rose

    I am drinking my morning coffee and reading blogs. Your words a wonderful way to begin the day. Money isn’t all everyone needs. There are several children in our neighborhood who don’t have the best home life. I help them however I can, paying them a dollar to walk the dog, finding them a used bicycle, providing some new and used clothing. But mostly, what they lack at home is attention and someone to listen. I am always in the yard and on the porch and they always stop by when I am outside. They tell me stories of what is going on in their lives, what they are doing, and what they imagine they can do. Same with the elderly in our neighborhood. They just love for someone to stop by and say hi and gab a few minutes. They make my day better and maybe I make theirs a little better. Rich or poor we all have time and kind words to give.


  13. … you inspire us to open our eyes and look around with a grateful heart. There’s always something to be thankful for. Peace, brother


  14. Brush Arbors

    LeRoy, You sound like me.. A few yr’s ago I gave away thousands of dollars, and I don’t regret it at all. To the Church and to people that were in need. Well I gave it “ALL AWAY”. But God is taking good care of me AND IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS I WOULD JUST GIVE IT ALL AWAY.. I’d Love to be able to build a large home for all of the children that don’t have a home because of druggie parent’s that are to sick to keep them.. Well I could go on and on but for now I will just pray for tho’s who are without… Just some of my thought’s LeRoy… Many Blessings… Bro Pat.


  15. Good Morning Bro. Dean:

    Wow, I was thinking very much the same things this morning. Having a heart to give and help others is a noble desire, I pray that all of us who have this desire will be given the opportunity and means to give….in some way…. to others!


  16. isaiah43123

    You gave me much to think about over my second cup… Four months ago the areas I live and work in experienced a devastating flood; so devastating, many residents and businesses continue to rebuild while others walked away in defeat. Like you I am not wealthy, but I can pray. Each day as I drive through a particular neighborhood, I pray for safety from looters, strength and courage to continue with the rebuilding, quick responses from FEMA and other agencies and more. As for extras, well i may have an extra blanket or two in the closet along with clothing I no longer wear. i think its time to check that out…


  17. Thanks for sharing my friend, such wonderful words. My thoughts are very similar to yours each morning over my coffee. How can my life be of use to our Lord and how can I be a blessing to those He bring into it.
    Love and hugs.
    Lisa. Xx 🙂


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