What is Truth?

146 - Copy“What is truth?” Pilate asked. With this he went out again to the Jews and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him. (John 18:38 NIV)

We will never know what would have happened, had Pilate waited for Jesus to answer. One thing we do know; he found no fault in Him.

There are many ways for us to look at everything that takes place in this life. We each have a perspective that is never exactly the same as another’s…many times close, but not quite the same. It is imperative to understand that perspective is Not presuming or assuming! A small amount of either of those is lethal!

The scriptures are open to our perspective and that can be a useful learning tool for each of us. To listen to another’s perspective is to open one’s mind; to lock into one’s own perspective is to close one’s mind.

Truth belongs to no one person for truth is a community of  more than one. Remember, the body of Christ is one with many members and all of them necessary. As “no man is an island unto himself,” so too, truth is not a possession of one.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6 NIV)


Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, devotions, encouragement, faith, inspiration, Life, Religion, Spirituality, thoughts | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “What is Truth?

  1. Pingback: Try God: What really happened between Genesis 1 and 2? (Part 3) | Did Jesus have a Facebook Page?

  2. Accepting the truth seems to be the challenge of today’s society.
    blessings ~ maxi


  3. Truth belongs to only One; but falsehood belongs to a multitude.


  4. It’s much easier to discern wheat from tares in a field of 10 stalks than it is in a field of 100, 1,000 or 10,000. At some point the field becomes so large we no longer care about truth or falsehood because it’s incomprehensible.


  5. and … “the truth shall set you free!” Great post


  6. Butch, I heard a fascinating definition of truth in a sermon years ago that has stuck with me all these years. The pastor defined truth as any statement, fact or principle that applies universally to all mankind. That is EXACTLY what Jesus (THE truth) taught. “For God so loved THE WORLD” and “He who has ears let him hear.”


  7. I always say “My truth may not be your truth,” meaning our perspectives are all different. Believe you just got through pointing that out very well.


  8. I agree with you…only Jesus is truth. I think we see and comprehend bits and pieces of truth, but can we know all of it? Only in the next life. In this life, I think we are tasked with seeking truth, but extending a lot of grace toward others who are on the path to God, but maybe further, or not as far, as we ourselves are at the moment. My concept of “truth” has changed a bit since I was a young Christian. I was a lot more sure of truth, and where I stood, when I was younger! Now I just hope to be heading in the right direction, and let God’s grace fill in the rest. ~ Sheila


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