Think Again


If you think lack of parenting, lack of discipline, violent video games, increasing sexual tolerance on TV and in the movies, increased drug usage and growing disregard for God do not make a difference in our youth…

think again.


Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, encouragement, family, friends, hometown, Journal, Life, Reflections, Spirituality, thoughts | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Think Again

  1. Reblogged this on JUSTICE FOR RAYMOND and commented:
    Parenting shows in the moral judgment of the children we raise. What they do when no one is watching tells a grand story of their upbringing


  2. We have the children of the Dr. Benjamin Spock generation raising children and grandchildren. My daughter recently reminded me that my mother said there was a difference in child rearing. You can tell the child that was raised by loving parents from the ones that were jerked up by the hair of their head by their behavior and moral judgment when no one is looking.


  3. Lack of discipline is the big culprit. It begins at birth.


  4. It is time to humble ourselves and pray, seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways.


  5. pattisj

    If only parents could see the results of their actions and inactions as others do.


  6. As a retired teacher and Elementary Principal I don’t just think it I know it!!! Blessings to you and yours! Marie


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