The “I’m Sorry” Fix

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“I’m sorry” isn’t the magic fix…

two words don’t erase damage done.

All too often, someone says, “I’m sorry.”

They have said it before, they will say it again.

Like a broken record, the words flow to cover a multitude of wrongs.

Maybe, “Forgive me” would go farther if said sincerely…if meant.

Maybe, then, the cycle of “I’m sorry” might cease.

Maybe, then, history would stop repeating itself.

Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, encouragement, faith, family, friends, hope, inspiration, Life, Love, marriage, Reflections, Spirituality, thoughts | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “The “I’m Sorry” Fix

  1. Kevin Coit

    When we say I’m Sorry….. there are two faces that appear…. The one that looks right back at you and you know that what was just said….. was just a way to get them to shut up!!! The other face was really sorry that they hurt your feelings…. for the moment and must likely wont say it again for at least 48 hours!!! We have all done this before so which face are you???


  2. Reminds me of that old Brenda Lee song:

    “I’m Sorry”

    I’m sorry, so sorry
    That I was such a fool
    I didn’t know
    Love could be so cruel

    You tell me mistakes
    Are part of being young
    But that don’t right
    The wrong that’s been done

    (I’m sorry) I’m sorry
    (So sorry) So sorry
    Please accept my apology
    But love is blind
    And I was too blind to see



  3. Steven Sawyer

    I like to say, “I’m sorry, will you please forgive me?”


  4. pattisj

    I like your header photo.


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