It Amazes Me


It amazes me how many self-created beings there are in this world. It amazes me how many believe in a heaven, yet deny a hell. It amazes me how Sunday morning Christians are hard to recognize during the week. It amazes me that Jesus would die for the likes of us. It amazes me…this Amazing Grace.


Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, faith, family, friends, hope, inspiration, Life, Love, marriage, Reflections, Religion, Spirituality, thoughts | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “It Amazes Me

  1. I agree! Both with the idea of amazing grace…wonderful thing! And with the amazement that so many people live in denial…I look at the beauty of creation and the wonder of the body, the genius of design in nature all around, and I wonder…how can people deny a designer? Amazing indeed! ~ Sheila


  2. Beautiful thought, exceptionally well expressed. God bless


  3. Love this Butch!


  4. “…that Jesus would die for the likes of me.” um, um, um.
    blessings ~ maxi


  5. Absolutely mind-boggling that God knew he would create us and that Jesus came to save us.


  6. Steven Sawyer

    Amazing, Butch. Amazing! Thank you.


  7. Amen!


  8. pattisj

    Grace is truly amazing.


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