Coffee with a Friend

Had coffee with a friend yesterday. We have known each other as far back as we can remember, and then some. We talked about a friend who recently passed away. We talked about death, about life, about God, about our lives. We sat with our coffee and we talked about a lot of things.

The widow of a childhood friend of ours stopped by our table. It was her wedding anniversary. We talked for a moment, then she went on her way. We always try and make her smile when we see her. We told her about our new exercise program…we watch exercises on tape and we really think it’s helping…and if we really want to raise our heart rate, we fast forward the tape. It really works. Well, one thing worked for sure…she smiled.

We don’t have all the answers…we don’t even know all the questions, but we can spend some time together having coffee and talking about our hopes and dreams, even our concerns down the road. We’re just two 70 something kids who happened to grow up together…meeting for a cup of coffee and mostly, some time to remember.

Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, encouragement, faith, family, friends, hope, inspiration, Life, Love, marriage, memories, Reflections, Religion, Spirituality, thoughts | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Coffee with a Friend

  1. Pingback: My Article Read (12-2-2014) (12-3-2014) | My Daily Musing

  2. Friends are a real gift. Love your exercise program. 🙂


  3. This was so well said and I smiled at the new exercise program, too 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful day ~ MJ


  4. I love your memories slide show. Sorry I didn’t notice it before. Obviously your son is there, your parents and grandparents. Who else? That’s a great idea to do.


  5. Those are the best types of friends. They know the stories, love to tell them, and you can talk about anything. Great post!



  6. Your exercise program made me smile too. Thanks
    Sorry to hear about your friend’s death.


  7. currankentucky

    Hahaha made me smile too! Thanks!


  8. mariebungard

    I never thought at this stage in my life (62) I would have awesome friends, that love me for who I am and want what is best for me. This is one of your best!


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