Why Worry…When You Can Pray

Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. (Philippians 4:6 MSG)

Easier said than done? If you choose to focus on the situation or the problem that is causing you to worry, then God’s direction is difficult. Remember Peter? He was walking on water…that is, until he took his focus off Jesus; then Peter was right back to worrying and treading water.

The Old English word for “worry” is wyrgan and the Old High German word for “worry” is würge. Both definitions mean “to strangle, to choke, to gag, to wretch.” Somehow, reading this definition, “worry” takes on a completely new meaning.

“Believers! Why “strangle or choke or gag or wretch” when you can pray.

Categories: attitude, Bible, Christian, Christianity, devotions, encouragement, faith, family, friends, hope, inspiration, Life, Love, marriage, memories, Reflections, Religion, Spirituality, thoughts | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Why Worry…When You Can Pray

  1. Great reading this


  2. Bella Grace

    To kill, to steal, to destroy…life! Before Jesus was born the enemy has tried to kill him. Now that Jesus is within us, he tries even more. Let us not choke life, or strangle life…the life of Jesus. Let us let the SPIRIT of Jesus Christ live in and through us. Let’s keep our Saviour lifted up.


  3. It’s the hardest quikest decision to make when the chips come a falling..the results are so far apart ..


  4. MicheleMariePoetry

    Yes, when Peter relied on himself, taking his focus from Christ, and though”Wait! this is impossible!” He began to sink…I never heard the ‘strangle choke, and wretch’ meaing- very appropriate! they should add ‘sinking’ to the definition!


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